The Dividend Capture Fund seeks total return on investment, with dividend income an important component of that return. Quantitative analysis is used to identify high quality, dividend paying stocks. The quantitative models focus on dividend yield, historical volatility of the stocks and the company’s dividend policy. Stocks that rank most highly based on the combination of these characteristics are selected.
Investing in the Fund carries certain risks. The value of the Fund may decrease in response to the activities and financial prospects of an individual security in the Fund’s portfolio. The Fund is nondiversified and may invest a greater percentage of its assets in a particular issue and may own fewer securities than other mutual funds. The performance of the Fund may be subject to substantial short term changes. To the extent the Fund invests in the stocks of smaller-sized companies, the Fund may be subject to additional risks, including the risk that earnings and prospects of these companies are more volatile than larger companies. Smaller-sized companies may experience higher failure rates than larger companies and normally have lower trading volume than larger companies. These factors may affect the value of your investment. Investments in real estate investment trusts (REITS) involve special risks associated with an investment in real estate, such as limited liquidity and interest rate risks, and may be more volatile than other securities. There are no guarantees that dividend paying stocks will continue to pay dividends. In addition, dividend paying stocks may not experience the same capital appreciation potential as non-dividend.
Dividends Matter
In this report, we discuss some characteristics of dividends in equity investing and offer views on the benefits of dividends in today’s environment.